Yoga Mantras
The yoga mantra is a unique collection of words, where each word has its own power and significance. And, together they work towards centering the brain and creating more space in the body, mind and spirit.
The chanting of mantras has been an intrinsic part of yoga and meditation in India. When you repeat a particular mantra, the vibrations of the sound influences your physiological and psychological being. On a deeper level, the sound of a mantra attunes the vibrations of the mind with the cosmos.
Мантра — это уникальный набор слов, где каждое слово имеет свою силу и значение. И вместе они работают над центрированием мозга и созданием большего пространства в теле, разуме и духе.
Повторение мантр было неотъемлемой частью йоги и медитации в Индии. Когда вы повторяете определенную мантру, вибрации звука влияют на ваше физиологическое и психологическое состояние. На более глубоком уровне звук мантры настраивает вибрации ума на космос.
Mantras for Beginning Yoga
|| Yogena chittasya padena vāchaṁ ।
malaṁ śarīrasya jabhay vaidyakena ॥
yo’pākarottamaṁ pravaraṁ munīnāṁ ।
patañjaliṁ prāñjalirānato’smi ॥
Meaning: Let us bow before the noblest of sages Patanjali,
who gave yoga for serenity and sanctity of mind,
grammar for clarity and purity of speech and medicine for perfection of health.
Let us prostrate before sage Patanjali.
Meaning: The Guru is Brahma (The God of Creation)
The Guru is Vishnu (The God of Sustenance)
The Guru is Shiva (The God of Annihilation)
My Salutation to such a Guru, who is like the Supreme God
|| Tvameva Mata Cha Pita Tvameva |
Tvameva Bandhush-Cha Sakha Tvameva |
Tvameva Vidyaa Dravinnam Tvameva |
Tvameva Sarvam Mam Deva Deva ||
Meaning: Oh My Dear Guru, You are mother and father to me,
You only are my relative and my friend.
You are my wisdom and my wealth
you are my divine light , my god.
Let us prostrate before sage Patanjali.
Surya Namaskar /Sun salutation Mantra
|| Hiraṇmayena pātreṇa satyasyāpihitaṁ
mukham |
tat tvaṁ pūṣannapāvṛṇu
satyadharmāya dṛṣṭaye ||
Meaning: The face of Truth is covered with a brilliant golden lid; that do thou remove, O Fosterer, for the law of the Truth, for sight.
Verse 1 :
Om Mitraya Namaha
Om Ravaye Namaha
Meaning :
I bow to the One who is a friend to all
I bow to the One who always shines radiantly
Verse 2 :
Om Surya Namaha
Om Bhaanave Namaha
Meaning :
I bow to the One who dispels ignorance
I bow to the One who illuminates the entire Universe
Verse 3 :
Om Khagaya Namaha
Om Pooshne Namaha
Meaning :
I bow to the One who illuminates the entire Universe
I bow to the One who is all-pervading
Verse 4 :
Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha
Om Mariechaye Namaha
Meaning :
I bow to the One who is golden colored
I bow to the One who gives light with infinite rays
Verse 5 :
Om Adityaaya Namaha
Om Savitre Namaha
Meaning :
I bow to the son of Aditi, the cosmic divine mother
I bow to the One who is responsible for life
Verse 6 :
Om Arkaaya Namaha
Om Bhaskaraya Namaha
Meaning :
I bow to the One who is worthy of praise and glory
I bow to the Giver of wisdom and cosmic illumination
peace / Shanti Mantra
|| Om dyauh shanti rantariksham shantih
Prithvi shantirapah shantih
Oshadhayah shantih Vanaspatayah shantih
Vishvedevaah shantih Brahma shantih
Sarvam shantih Shantireva shantih
Saamaa shantiredhih
Om shaantih, shaantih, shaantih ||
Meaning: May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well as in the vast ethereal space everywhere.
May peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs, trees and creepers.
May peace flow over the whole universe.
May peace be in the Supreme Being Brahman.
And may there always exist in all peace and peace alone.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti to us and all beings.
|| Sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ Sarve santu nirāmayāḥ।
Sarve bhadrāṇi paśyantu mā
kaścidduḥkhabhāg bhavet।।
oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ॥
Meaning: May everybody be happy, May Everybody be free from disease,
May everybody have good luck, May none fall on evil days
|| Om asato ma sadgamaya
Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
Mrtyor ma amrtam gamaya
Om shanti shanti shanti ||
Meaning: Lead us from ignorance to knowledge
Lead us from darkness to light
Peace, peace, peace